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Our policy

1. We expect the parent to be a valuable asset in their childs life and attend all community events.

2. We expect for our parents to provide ideas and to volunteer during community events yearly.

3. We expect parents to donate and to pay weekly rate in a timely manner.

4. We expect our parents to follow the behavior contract and the evidence based practices that the program implements.

5. We expect our parent to help provide resources that wil help enhance the services that are provided to their children.

6. We expect our parents to be happy, intelligent, postive therapuetic role models for the youth we serve at all time.

7. We expect our parents to be professional and open to change.

8. We expect our parents to work as a team with volunteer staff

About our Payment Schedule

Most services are free for all youth and at risk family's.


However, we do ask for donations, gift cards, in-kind gifts, etc, to help assist with transportation provided, props, snacks and educational materials needed to provide life skills training to at risk youth and families.


Thus, each child that participates in the independent living classes or drama program will be expected to pay a $5.00 wkly rate per child.

Teamwork makes the Dream Work

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